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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Support Meta-Secret's open-source work. We are working on giving people more freedom to manage their private information.
Heroic is free and will forever be! Your contributions make the project grow, add more features, improve platform support, etc. So you can help us by becoming our Sponsor! :)
I'm a software developer who likes to create applications. I've created Jasper (, Trickle (, ESDoc (dormant, and many others.
A network-security engineer based in Utah. I help individuals and organizations automate and simplify their network and security posture.
While being a LineageOS device maintainer, making sure a lot of Android phones get proper aftermarket support, I also develop random projects, whatever comes first in my mind
Support our work to add more production ready modules, CLIs and more to the Nuxt 3 ecosystem.
Budi Utomo is a SDET, DevOps, Full-Stack, open source enthusiast and a member of Appium organization on GitHub.
I started with coding at 9 with Pascal. I know to code from assembly to modern web and there is where I focus recently. I work as a Marketing manager and Freelancer consultant but I would like that to change.
CommandPost is an open source Mac application used by film & television professionals worldwide to speed up their workflow.
Proudly serving the Internet community since 1999 with core infrastructure tools for DNS and BGP.
Hi! I am Steve, help support my free and openly available GIS productivity tools: and
Support TrueCharts building the best source for TrueNAS SCALE Apps and Helm Charts
I've been writing Cacti code for the better part of 20 years. Not sure why I continue, but it's a great hobby and fills my time left here on planet earth. So long as I am able, I will continue to assist the project.
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
Open Source dies without supporters like you. Please consider sponsoring our open source and prove that companies can flourish by providing free and open source software. Your contribution makes a difference.
Chris developers CommandPost - a free and open source macOS application that bridges between control surfaces and software that doesn’t support them natively, such as Apple’s Final Cut Pro and Adobe’s After Effects.
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